Instant Wins

Instant wins are prize draws in which players win a minor extra prize instantly, and still have the chance to win the entire prize. 

For example, we have the 2000 USDT competition on our website,
we specified 5 ticket numbers that will instantly win: 10, 15, 19, 55, 90.

Now, when you purchase your tickets, you need to choose your ticket numbers – if one or more of your tickets matches with the list above, you will instantly win the allocated bonus prize. 

Let’s say the tickets mentioned above are the numbers that will instantly win 35 USDT each.

If you actually purchased 10, 15, 33, 40 – you would win 2 instant prizes (#10 and #15) – which means 35 USDT + 35 USDT (70 USDT in total).

Do all the competitions have instant wins?

Not necessarily. The competitions that have instant wins will be very obvious – we will add that to the image where it says “Instant Wins” – also when you click on the competition it will display:


Will I get notified instantly if I win the bonus prize?

Yes! you will get notified, and we will contact you to arrange the delivery.

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